Seminar: Boundless Visions (2011)
Visual Augmentation in the Field of Consumption
Alexandra Kaufmann
The focus of my project is based on the consumption. Through the continuing globalisation the separation of the producer and the consumer has reinforced. Scarcely anybody knows, what is morally good or bad about the things we buy. In both quality and sustainability. The life cycle assessment and quality is generally too complex and badly measurable. In future this issue will intensify, because of the overpopulation and the resource depletion.
With the help of «Augmented Reality» it could be possible to show relevant information. This would appear, as soon as you touch a product: making visible the composition of the price (production, transport, advertisement, marge) and how much Grey Energy is behind it. This amount of energy is calculated from the good's production, transport, storage and disposal. Grey Energy represents the total indirect energy requirement of a commodity.